It costs just £50 per year to be listed
We offer a very simple approach, there's no formal contract to sign, just the annual fee to pay. Giving you your own dedicated page, changeable as often as you wish.
Our emphasis is on quality of service and the overall experience, generating a loyal client base.
Key Benefits
• Listing within our regional pages, as much information can be included as you wish, including special offers and photographs, information updated free as often as you wish.
• Featured Venue – for one month you will also be highlighted on our “featured venue” page (a small monthly charge will apply if you wish to extend this)
• Appear FREE in one email shot, regularly sent to our database (a small charge will apply if you wish to be featured in future email shots)
• An exclusive discount of 50% off first quarterly invoice when signing up to our search engine submission and SEO partners - Click Submit, click here for details
• Additional Advertising – There are a limited number of advertising positions throughout the site, (a small monthly charge will apply for these should you wish to take one). email to enquire.
Click here to see our Introduction Information
If you wish to be featured:
Please email "Sign me up" to
Once we received we will feature your hotel subject to agreement.
You can pay now by card / paypal or email us to be invoiced.
Click here to view our information pack
Suite 4191
6 Slington House
Rankine Road
RG24 8PH
Fax: 0872 111 4234 Tel: 07716 891463

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